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Adam Bruce - Mergence

Adam Bruce

Vocals, Guitar and Keys for Mergence

Painting by Deon Doughty

Biography by Mitchell Hillman

Adam Bruce is the lead singer and frontman of Mergence, one of the finest local rock bands to appear on the scene in a long time. In addition to his amazing vocal prowess, he also provides rhythm guitar and some pretty fantastic work on the keyboard. He isn’t just the frontman, he’s the lyricist and one of the most compelling aspects about Mergence’s blues driven rock is the very nearly poetic lyrics. While it was the seriously infectious, radio ready “Dynamite & Kerosene” that captured both my heart and mind at first, as I have memorized their work, followed their progression and written about every moment of brilliance they’ve shed on our world for the last three years, every song of theirs has become special in my soul, tuned to a unique mood and mind frame. Indeed, they have also become one of my favorite live bands and it’s a very, very rare occasion where I miss a performance of theirs. When they appear on a bill, though usually headlining, it doesn’t matter where they are in the lineup–that show becomes an imperative event that I must attend. This urgency is only shared with a scant few other bands in Arizona. Not only has Mergence produced some of the finest local recordings I know of, but their live show is simply captivating, brilliant and each one is seemingly better than the last. Much of this is due to Bruce as the frontman, behind a guitar, the keys or freed of either to let loose. I can’t compare his vocals to anyone else, he rocks, he laughs, he explodes and yet he never approaches a growl–there is something inherently likeable about his voice, which at times borders on angelic. Mergence is taking a bit of a hiatus currently, but the moment they return get your ears ready for something truly special.

Those Vibrant Young People Are Dead Review
“Harvest/Wintertime” Single
Mergence-Live At Crescent Ballroom

  • adam-gold
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  • adam
  • adam-crescent
  • adam-keys
  • yod
  • drums
  • adam-eyes-open
  • shupe