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Eric Palmer

Lead Singer and BassistĀ of Future Loves Past

Painting by Deon Doughty

Biography by Mitchell Hillman

Eric Palmer is the lead singer, bass player, primary songwriter and composer for the amazing transcendent band known as Future Loves Past. In addition to that, I don’t think it’s going to far to say that he is the visionary behind the band, the guiding force for its direction–he is the astral architect for Future Loves Past. Palmer lives, breathes and eats music, he knows no other way. He is a consummate artist though and also wields quite a talent at graphic design and the visual arts, but music is his lifeblood. In the four years that Future Loves Past has been flourishing, Palmer has guided them from their roots as a jam laden psychedelic rock outfit toward a soulful indie pop incarnation without missing a beat. Their music has transformed over time and Palmer’s vision has been at the heart of this as they have embraced a myriad of influences in their music including disco, South American rhythms, straight ahead rock, ancient mythology and the very solar system we occupy in space. You can listen to the ever expanding vision Palmer has as you listen to their debut EP, followed by their debut full length album All The Luscious Plants, then on to Our Solar System EP and the just released Hold On Tight EP. It is a wonderful transformation to bear witness to and when I listen to their catalog all together, I just picture Palmer standing in the background grinning, eyes ablaze. I don’t use the term genius very often, if at all, but in Eric Palmer’s case, I continually think it’s appropriate and with each demo I hear, each concept album planned, nothing can dissuade me from that opinion-he imagines the sounds he wants to make and through Future Loves Past, he manifests them and they are truly fantastic sounds released into the world for all to enjoy.
Future Loves Past Debut EP
Mercury/Saturn Double Single Review
Future Loves Past: SXSW 2012
All The Luscious Plants Review
Our Solar System EP Review
Hold On Tight EP Review

Eric Palmer - Future Loves Past

  • eric-and-trisitan
  • flp-at-almf
  • palmer
  • palmer2
  • gold-band
  • eric-cd-release
  • eric-flashlight
  • trisitan-eric-sean