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Kevin Loyd  - Banana Gun

Kevin Loyd

Vocals and Guitar for Banana Gun

Painting by Deon Doughty

Biography by Mitchell Hillman

There are few things more distinctive than the look and the sound of Banana Gun’s frontman and lead singer Kevin Loyd. From his rail thin rakish appearance with dreadlocks nearly as long as he is tall, to his voice that can range from a sexy rock’n’roll growl to something so sweet it would suit a serenade to angels, Loyd is a walking anomaly. In addition to his sonorous voice, Loyd also plays some pretty amazing guitar for the band as well as all of the banjo parts when the song requires it. The first time I ever heard Banana Gun I was driving down the road jamming to The Morning Infidelity on 106.7 KWSS—“Light On” blew through my speakers and I damn near wrecked my Jeep, I had to pull into a grocery store parking lot to hear the whole thing. My mind was blown, right there and then—it was brilliant, unusual and to boot, it sported a banjo. It was Kevin’s voice and banjo work that struck me straight off, I was hooked. Across three albums and one live EP, Loyd has proven himself to be an every growing, ever capable talent and possibly one of the finest local guitar players around. Banana Gun celebrates five years together this year and in the case of Loyd, his talent has only flourished in the last half decade. Listening to their catalog you can hear his vocals become richer, finding a new depth with each album–in the start he seemed to be at the mercy of his voice, but now he is in command of it. On the most recent Banana Gun album, Love.Instinct, Loyd is captured perfectly and for the first time on record, the energy he presents when performing live is found on the album. Loyd is a serious talent and one to watch, it will be wonderful to see where he leads Banana Gun next.

Love.Instinct Review
The Live EP Review
The Elephant In The Room Review

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